How It All Began

My first stab at gardening started with a radish. When I pulled the first fully grown radish out of the ground, I was smitten. My god! It was a beautiful radish! My neighbor thought so, too; she grabbed it from me and immediately created a lovely watercolor of it (I still have that watercolor).

Mike and I bought our first (and still only) house in midwinter, and we had a great time the next spring, watching the bulbs and plants come out and show us where, what, and how lovely they were. That was 15 years ago, and I've been a nut about gardening ever since.

I began planting my own lovely flowers and veggies, then adding to the size of the beds. Now it's completely unmanageable, I think! I find I never have time for all the chores and cleanup and planting.

One last but not least thing to know about me as a gardener: I'm fiercely organic. I even buy organic seeds. But I'm not a very good composter. I kinda do the "dump it in the pile and wait a few years" thing. But every few years I get some fabulous compost!

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